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Friday, 19 June 2015

FC Barcelona 2015-16 Kit – Released:

The is the new official home kit for FC Barcelona for upcoming season 2015-16
This will be the very first time in Barcelona football club history when they are going to use shirts with horizental stripes unlike their traditional red and blue hoops style.
Shirts collar and sleeves are is likely to be blue with yellow and red horizental shape design on the front of the shirt.the shirts of the home kit will be red.

FC Barcelona 2015-16 Away Yellow Kit – Released:

This is the new away kit from Nike for Fc Barcelona 2015-16 season.
The away kit design is inspired by the on-going catalunya campaign. The unicef logo will still be placed at the back of the kit.

FC Barcelona 2015-16 Third Kit – Leaked

This will be the new third kit for Barcelona in 2015-16 season which will be used in away champions league matches.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

FC Bayern Munich 2015-16 Kits (Leaked)

All three of Bayern Munich’s 2015-2016 season kits has been leaked a red/dark red colour home kit while white away kit with red/grey/black colour application and the dark grey pinstripe design third kit.

Paris Saint Germain 2015-16 Kits (Leaked)

All three of the new PSG kits for 2015-16 season has been leaked and home kit comes in traditional colours, while away kit feature white as main colour and a unique all black third alternative kit for champions league away matches.

Inter Milan 2015-16 Home, Away, Third Kits Leaked:

Inter Milan’s new nike home away and third kits for upcoming 2015-16 season has been leaked with home kit featuring a traditional blue/black stripe design, away kit comes in main white colour and blue/black application while the third kit features a unique yellow design with shaded black application.

Juventus 2015-16 Home & Away Kits (Leaked)

The all new Adidas home kit of Juventus for 2015-16 has been leaked and below pictures are the real kit images (not the draft). The home kit is set be release in July 2015.

AC Milan 2015-16 Home Kit Released (away & third kits Leaked)

AC Milan 2015-16 home kit will make debut in the Serie A game on saturday, 09 May 2015 while the away and third kits will be released in july when Milan travel to China for couple of friendly matches.

Atletico Madrid 2015-16 Kits (Leaked)

Atleti will have classic red and white stripe design shirt with a blue collar application, while the away kit is suppose to to be dark blue.

Valencia 2015-16 Away & Third Kits (Released)

Spanish side Valencia has released their adidas away and third kits for 2015-16 season and both features unique design. Away kit comes with yellow/red large stripe designed shirt while the third kit features orange colour with blue application.

West Brom 2015-16 Away kit (Released)

The all new adidas away kit for West Brom has been released which comes in red/black thin pinstripe design and features a unique club logo. The home kit will be released in the middle of july 2015.
West Brom 2015-16 away kit official released

Sunderland 15/16 Home Kit (Released)

The all new Sunderland 15/16 home kit has been released by Adidas and it comes with iconic Sunderland style white/red stipes with black application on v-shapped collar and a new shirt sponsor dafabet. away and third kits will be released later in the summer.
Sunderland 2015-16 home kit released

Tottenham Hotspurs 2015-16 Home Kit (Released)

The new under armour Tottenham 2015-16 home kit is officially released while the unique away kit has been leaked online which comes in unique colours and design.

Newcastle United 15-16 Puma Home & Away Kits (Released)

New Puma home kit for Newcastle United has been officially released which the away kit will be unveiled before the start of pre-season tour.

Manchester City Home & Away Kits (Leaked)

Man City 2015-16 home, away and unique yellow third kits has been leaked which will be releasing officially in July 2015. Here are the leaked images of all three kits of Manchester City for 2015-16 season.

Arsenal 2015-16 Home & Away Kits (Leaked)

Arsenal’s Puma home and away kits for 2015-16 seasons are leaked online, the home kit features a traditional design while Puma will be produce a unique style away kit.

Chelsea 2015-16 Home Away Third Kits (Leaked)

New adidas kits for Chelsea 2015-16 season has been leaked and the new shirt sponsor Yokohama tires will be seen on the new kits.

Manchester United 2015-16 Home Away Third Kits (Leaked)

The new manchester united home kit will be officially launched on 01 August 2015 after the US pre-season tour is finished while the away and third kits will be unveiled a week later.

Liverpool 2015-16 Home Kit (Released):

he new balance home & third kits for Liverpool has been officially released ahead of the 2015-16 season. While the white away kit will be released during the pre-season tour.

Stoke City 2015-16 Home & Away Kits – Released:

The new balance Stoke City 2015-16 home and away kits has been officially released, while the third kit will be released in july 2015.

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Thursday, 16 April 2015

Bahaya Penyalahgunaan NARKOBA/NAPZA

Waspadai Bahaya Penyalahgunaan NAPZA

Sebagai sarana perang dan upaya terorisme, yakni untuk melumpuhkan kekuatan suatu Bangsa (Perang Candu; Teori Huntington).
Sebuah bisnis besar. Penelitan menyebut bahwa 0.50% adalah pengguna, maka jumlah dana untuk konsumsi narkoba per hari adalah 220 juta x 0.50% x Rp. 100 ribu = Rp. 1.10 Trilyun
Sulit sembuh (angka relapse 90-95%), yang bisa dilakukan adalah menunda relapse
Dampak fisik, psikis, moral maupun material bagi pengguna dan keluarga sangat memprihatinkan
 Arti Narkoba atau Napza

Narkoba : Narkotika, Psikotropika, Bahan Addiktif

Napza : Narkotika Alkohol Psikotropika Zat Addiktif


‘A drug is any substance that when taken into the body alters its function physically and psychologically’. (WHO)

Adalah Zat baik yang berasal dari tanaman atau bukan, baik sintetis maupun semi sintetis yang dapat menyebabkan penurunan atau perubahan kesadaran, hilangnya rasa  dan menimbulkan ketergantung-an/ kecanduan, serta toleran (ingin meningkatkan dosis)

 Narkotika di bagi menjadi 3 golongan :

Golongan I hanya untuk kepentingan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan
Golongan II dipergunkan untuk kepentingan kedokteran, dengan pengawasan sangat ketat.
Golongan III dipergunakan untuk kepentingan kedokteran, juga dalam pengawasan

Minuman mengandung etanol yang dapat menekan susunan saraf pusat, memperlambat refleks motorik, menekan pernafasan, denyut jantung dan mengganggu penalaran :

Gol A mengandung etanol < 5% dijual bebas dalam bentuk bir, green sand.
Gol B mengandung etanol 5-20% dijual bebas dengan pengawasan dalam bentuk anggur kolesom, KTI.
Gol C mengandung etanol 20-50% hanya dijual di bar hotel berbintang dalam pengawasan khusus.

Adalah zat baik alamiah maupun sintetis, yang berkasiat psikoaktif melalui pengaruh selektif pada susunan saraf pusat yang menyebabkan perubahan pada aktifitas mental dan perilaku .

Psikotropika dibagi menjadi 4 golongan :

Golongan  I hanya untuk pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan.
Golongan II   untuk pengobatan dengan pengawasan
Gplongan III  untuk pengobatan dengan pengawasan
Golongan IV  untuk pengobatan dengan pengawasan

Adalah  zat atau bahan kimia yang apabila masuk kedalam tubuh manusia akan mem-pengaruhi , terutama susunan saraf pusat, sehingga menyebabkan perubahan aktifitas mental , emosional dan perilaku  dan apabila digunakan terus menerus akan menimbulkan ketergantungan/ kecanduan

Efek terhadap Sistem  Syaraf Pusat

Depresan – Memperlambat kerja/menekan sistem syaraf
Stimulant – Merangsang kerja sistem syaraf
Halusinogen – Distorsi kerja sistem syaraf/berhalusinasi
Depresan : Menekan susunan syaraf pusat

Minuman beralkohol : Benzodiazepines (minor sedatives & barbiturates)

Analgesik Opiat (alamiah & sintetik)
Analgesik Non-opiate
Anestesi umum (General anaesthetics)
Nitrous oxide
Halusinogen : Merangsang susunan syaraf untuk berkhayal

LSD-type effects (psychedelics acting on serotonin)
Lysergic acid diethylamide or LSD (acid)
Psilocybin (magic mushrooms)
Amphetamines dosis tinggi
Psychedelic anaesthetics (ketamine)
Narkoba lain dalam dosis tinggi:
Ganja/ Cannabis
Efek Narkoba/ Napza

Phisik : Paru-paru basah, Maag akut, Organ rusak, Hepatitis C, HIV/AIDS
Sosial: Menarik diri, anti sosial: suka menipu
Psikologis: Pemimpi, halusinasi, paranoid, sadis
Agama: Melanggar perintah Allah
Ekonomi: Kebangkrutan

Gangguan kepribadian (Personility Disorder)
Penghayatan hidup keagamaan hanya sebatas memenuhi upacara ritual semata, tanpa diikuti pendalaman spiritualitas yang benar
Kepribadian yang tidak teguh
Tidak disiplin dalam menggunakan obat.
Lingkungan keluarga yang pecah
Lingkungan pergaulan dan kelicikan sindikat bandar.
Tahapan Penggunaan

Rekreasi & Fun
Coba-coba/ingin tahu

Dampak bagi Pelaku

Mengakibatkan gangguan kesehatan jasmani dan rohani, merusak fungsi organ vital tubuh : otak, jantung, ginjal, hati, paru-paru, Hiv/Aids, sampai kematian.
Membutuhkan biaya tinggi baik untuk membeli narkoba, maupun untuk biaya perawatan.
Menimbulkan gangguan terhadap ketertiban, ketentraman dan keamanan masyarakat.
Menimbulkan kecelakaan diri yang bersangkutan dan orang lain.
Memicu perbuatan melanggar hukum yang dapat menyeret pelaku ke penjara.
Memicu tindakan tidak bermoral, tindak kekerasan dan tindak kejahatan.
Menurunkan sampai membunuh semangat belajar adalah perbuatan menghancurkan masa depan.
Merusak keimanan dan ketaqwaan.
Dampak bagi Keluarga

Menimbulkan beban mental, emosi, dan sosial yang sangat berat.
Menimbulkan beban biaya yang tinggi yang dapat mengakibatkan keluarga bangkrut.
Menimbulkan beban deritaan berkepanjangan dan hancurnya harapan bagi masa depan anak.
UU No 35/2009 ps. 55

Orang tua atu wali dari Pecandu Narkotika yang belum cukup umur wajib melaporkan kepada pusat kesehatan masyarakat, rumah sakit, dan/atau lembaga rehabilitasi medis dan rehabilitasi sosial yang ditunjuk oleh Pemerintah untuk mendapatkan pengobatan dan/atau perawatan melalui rehabilitasi medis dan rehabilitasi sosial.
Pecandu Narkotika yang sudah cukup umur wajib melaporkan diri atau dilaporkan oleh keluarganya kepada pusat kesehatan masyarakat, rumah sakit, dan/atau lembaga rehabilitasi medis dan rehabilitasi sosial yang ditunjuk oleh Pemerintah untuk mendapatkan pengobatan dan/atau perawatan melalui rehabilitasi medis dan rehabilitasi sosial.
Ketentuan mengenai pelaksanaan wajib lapor sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dan ayat (2) diatur dengan Peraturan Pemerintah
Upaya Pencegahan

Demand Reduction : Meminimalkan penggunaan Narkoba
Supply Reduction : Meminimalkan peredaran Narkoba
Harm Reduction : Meminimalkan dampak penggunaan Narkoba
Sikap Tindakan Etis Umat Beriman

Menjaga agar apa yang dianugerahkan Allah dipergunakan dengan baik dan benar, agar tidak menghancurkan keutuhan seluruh ciptaan.
Mengasihi, memperdulikan dan menolong korban penyalah-gunaan Napza, agar tidak terus menerus kecanduan.
Berjuang di jalan Tuhan memberantas segala bentuk penyalah-gunaan Napza
Melakukan tindakan pencegahan, penyembuhan, pemulihan atau rehabilitasi korban penyalahgunaan Napza, secara medis, psikis, moral maupun spiritual.
Bekerjasama dalam menghadapi sindikat pengedar Napza, serta berani melaporkan kepada aparat bila melihat sinyalemen adanya pengedar atau pengguna di sekitar kita


Pemerintah :

RS Grhasia Pakem Yogyakarta
RS Dr. Sardjito
RSUD dan Pskesmas-puskesmas
Non Pemerintah

RS PKU Muhamadiyah
RS Panti Rapih
RS Bethesda

Pemerintah : Panti Sosial Pamardi Putra “Sehat Mandiri”, Purwomartani, Kalasan, Sleman.

Non Pemerintah :

Yayasan Al Islami, Banjarharjo, Kalibawang, Kulon Progo
Yayasan Al Manah, Tuksono, Sentolo, Kulon Progo
Yayasan Inabah XIII, Mlangi, Sleman
Tunas Mataran Yayasan LKBW Tabernakel
Yayasan Siloam, Godean.
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Friday, 6 February 2015

FC Barcelona 2014/15 Nike Third Kit

FC Barcelona 2014/15 Nike Third Kit

 Nike has released the FC Barcelona 2014/15 third kit. It will be available World Soccer ShopSubside SportsNike and Kitbag Barca stores along with the Blaugrana’s home and away uniforms for the ongoing season.
This season, FC Barcelona will wear a bold new third kit that captures the club’s inherent brilliance and energy.
FC Barcelona 2014 2015 Nike Yellow Third Football Kit, Shirt, Soccer Jersey, Camiseta, Equipacion
The kit consists of two tones of Volt yellow, which first appeared in Barcelona’s away kit in 2005. The shirt, shorts and socks all feature the distinct Volt color on the front, with a darker tone of the same yellow on the back.
The two tones are divided by blue stripes — honoring one of Barcelona’s famous home colors — that stretch along both sides of the kit from the collar, along both shoulders, down the shirt and shorts, and right down to the socks. The stripes are designed to accentuate the impression of speed when the players are in motion.
FC Barcelona 2014 2015 Nike Yellow Third Football Kit, Shirt, Soccer Jersey, Camiseta, Equipacion Amarilla
“The half-and-half appearance is a traditional football design, but we added a new twist,” said Martin Lotti, Creative Director of Nike Football. “We wanted to utilize vibrant color so the kits look brighter at night against the grass and beneath floodlights. Under a dark sky, the kits will look electric, as if powered by batteries, and will provide an almost electric flash of color on the pitch.”
The shirt also boasts a classic design with a sophisticated polo neck collar and a three-button placket in the darker tone of Volt.
The right sleeve of the shirt features a small Senyera, the flag of Catalonia and an enduringly proud symbol for Barcelona.

Inside the back of the neck, a blue pennant tab displays Barcelona’s inspirational club motto, “Mes que un club” (More than a club) and their foundation year of 1899, while “Barca” adorns the back of the neck in the same blue as their iconic home kit.
FC Barcelona 2014 2015 Nike Yellow Third Football Kit, Shirt, Soccer Jersey, Camiseta, Equipacion Amarilla

Music News

The BBC Music Sound of 2015 longlist has been revealed, and with it numerous newspapers and blogs have released their lists of new music artists to watch in 2015. It would seem that we agree on most but there have been a whole host of pleasant discoveries too, perhaps you’ll find something new here that you can get your ears around.
From rock and roll to soulful sisters, and from new electronic wizards through to new Motown crooners, 2015 is already sounding very exciting indeed. Here’s the first 10 on my list of new music artists to watch.
New Music 2015 best singers and bands to watch out for including Ryn Weaver, Years and Years and Vince Staples
To kick things off I’ve got Black Honey, a UK band that formed in Brighton whose dreamy arrangements, soothing female vocals and American surfer jams have already gained these guys a lot of well deserved attention, and they haven’t even released an official first single yet. Over the last five months, they’ve slowly been treating us to various songs, kicking off with the Sleep Forever and most recently the ridiculously cool psych jam Bloodlust. They dropped their first EP last month and it has been making the best kind of waves possible. But, they only way to get your hands on an actual physical version of it is by attending one of their secret shows… sneaky little shits. Think female led punk and rock of the 90s and you’re on the right path. Brilliant. They have a tour coming up in
Loving this guy so much! He’s one of the notorious Odd Future crew from LA but now he’s ready to drop his debut album in early 2015. He’s been putting out his own mixtapes over the last few years but last month he gave us he’s first EP and, woah, it’s sure is something. Just listen to his track ‘Blue Suede’ and pay attention to the depth of the lyrics; they’re dark, heavy and pack a punch. The production on the EP is excellent and is sure to keep you hooked through to the end. Exciting stuff and he’s only 21.

New Music 2015 best singers and bands to watch out for including Ryn Weaver, Years and Years and Vince Staples
Ohhhh those vocals. Having just released their warm, electro-soul Baby Please EP and with one in the works coming soon, Andy and James, the two guys behind Honne, are on to something good. With jams that are reminiscent of smooth rnb tracks of the mid 90s, these London boys are looking to give us a much-needed dose of baby-making music for the new year. They’ve drawn comparisons to the likes of Drake and even Frank Ocean, and have succeeded in penning intelligent, simple and honest lyrics that speak directly to the listener. The word Honne is a Japanese word that means real intention and desire, something that Andy and James say matches their music much more than you’d think it would.
Where to start with the beautiful and talented Rae Morris? She’s inspired by the likes of PJ Harvey and Kate Bush, and has the show stopping vocals that could be likened to those of Florence Welch and Ellie Goulding. She made her debut on the BBC Introducing stage at the Reading & Leeds festival back in 2011. Since then she’s been working on her craft and working with various artists including Bombay Bicycle Club, but now it’s time for her to make a name of her own. Singles ‘Cold’, ‘Closer’ and ‘Under The Shadows’ are all featured on her debut album ‘Unguarded’, a coming of age tale that documents the lesson’s she has learned. Keep your eyes on this one. Years and Years
New Music 2015 best singers and bands to watch out for including Ryn Weaver, Years and Years and Vince Staples
I’ve already raved about these guys on Swide this year and it looks like things will be hotting up in 2015 for the trio. Consisting of bassist Mikey Goldsworthy, synth player Emre Turkmen and Olly Alexander, these guys are putting out tropical tinged alt-dance records that are intricate, catchy and cool. What’s more is that lead singer Olly Alexander’s vocals are smooth, golden and memorable. Oh, and they’ve been nominated for the Brit’s Critics’ Choice Award too. Not bad lads.
You won’t know it but you most probably heard Ten Walls hypnotizing, sexy dance track ‘Walking with Elephants’ being played on the radio, in clubs and throughout the internet this year. He’s already got a couple of EPs to his name but it wasn’t until the aforementioned track started to get picked up by bloggers that Ten Walls started to get some proper attention. The BBC have already had him create a mini-mix for them has been called one of the most interesting minds in music right now. Not bad. Listen and love.

Picking apart tribal percussion and putting them back together with crashing synths, her song OctaHate saw this girl getting reblogged all over the world and offered the accolade ‘the next big thing’. Having worked hard at her craft over the years, she’s already working with big names on the current music scene like Charli XCX, who co-wrote OctaHate with Ryn. On her Promises EP we experience her skills at emotional pop balladry with ‘Stay Low’, again showcasing her gorgeous vocals and songwriting skills. Big things to come for this one.
New Music 2015 best singers and bands to watch out for including Ryn Weaver, Years and Years and Vince Staples
I can’t get enough of Glasgow-based Jon Cooper’s project ‘Turtle’ but it was when he put his latest track ‘Lavender’ up on Soundcloud, I knew I was in love. It’s measured, soaring and uplifting, reminiscent of early Moby stuff and even Four Tet. Last year’s Who Knows EP, incorporated acoustic elements and vocals, creating textured tracks that were both heavy and affirming, leaving the listener wanting more. The track ‘Lavender’ is from the upcoming Colours EP.
Another solo woman for you here, and this time its 22-year old ‘abstract folk’ artist, has got 3 EPs of acoustic stories to her name and is now preparing to reveal her debut album ‘We Slept Last Night’, produced by Charlie Andrew who has worked with Alt-J. Last week we were presented with the calmly haunting Drowned music video, an sign of amazing things to come from this delicate singer songwriter.
New Music 2015 best singers and bands to watch out for including Ryn Weaver, Years and Years and Vince Staples
Another name that is already been making huge waves with her beautifully sultry Talk Talk, which put the internet in a spin a few months ago. It was last year’s collaboration with Flume that helped put name out there and she followed it up with the unexpected ‘Fixed’, a swelling chilled out dance track that spans house, techno and rnb… somehow. Her latest track ‘Vacant Space’ was just as surprising, living up to its title and creating a hollow yet rounded frantic love song, that shows just what her vocals can do. Too good! She’s obviously been com

4 Singers You Need To Know For 2015

4 Singers You Need To Know For 2015

For the second year now, Spotify has crafted a list of the dozen-plus artists and groups that they believe will make it big in the US in the next year or so. After some incredible success last year and a number of music experts behind the ranking, it’s very likely that some (or all) of these acts will become household names very soon, so if you’re looking for some new music, these are some pretty good bets. Here are four that I believe are most likely to grow immensely in 2015:
James Bay
The English singer-songwriter is still incredibly new to the scene, but already he is being tapped as the next big thing both here and across the pond. Of all the names on the list, he is one of the surest things, as he has already been awarded the Critic’s Choice Brit Award, which is chosen every year and named ahead of the Grammys-style British award show. He follows in the footsteps of past winners, almost all of whom have gone on to massive global success, such as Adele and Sam Smith.Bay is currently out on tour with Irish guitar slinger Hozier, promoting his upcoming debut album, which is due in March.

Ryn Weaver, one of Spotify's Artists To Watch in 2015 (photo courtesy of the artist's Facebook).
Ryn Weaver, one of Spotify’s Artists To Watch in 2015 (photo courtesy of the artist’s Facebook).

Ryn Weaver
Newcomer Ryn Weaver received plenty of attention this past year, and more is bound to come. She only released an EP, but it contained the track “OctaHate”, which was co-written by Charli XCX (so you can’t really go wrong with that), which has plenty of other outlets calling her a name to watch.

Though only a teenager, Yates already has some of the biggest stars on the planet shouting his praises, with Pharrell going so far as to say “He’s absolutely gonna be just a huge, huge, huge pop star”. The exceptionally talented multi-instrumentalist and singer recently stirred up some noise with his latest jam“Call”.
Mikky Ekko
While most people probably don’t know his name,Ekko is already doing fine for himself in the music world. He actually has a top five hit and Grammy nomination to his name, as he co-wrote and was featured on the Rihanna song “Stay”. After the worldwide success of that track, some of the biggest names in the business were clamoring to work with him, including David Guetta and Lil Wayne.

On top of the above names, there are a dozen other acts that have just as much of a chance of exploding onto the international scene in 2015. The other acts that Spotify has chosen are George Ezra, Pell, Catfish & The Bottlemen, BØRNS, Kim Cesarion, MLKMN, Young Fathers, Ezra Vine, Raury, MisterWives, The Bohicas, and Houndmouth.
To create this list, the people at Spotify spend the year looking at who is charting well on their own virality rankings, as well as noticing which acts are getting buzz online, who performs well live (they say a good live show is a must), and what they are listening to. Katie Schlosser, Director of Label Relations for North America, said “It’s not an easy task. A lot of debate goes into the decision making process” when describing just how much the team looks at when picking names.
Last year’s Artists To Watch list was fairly comprehensive, and in only twelve months several of the names included have gone on to do incredible things. Two of the acts named were just recently nominated for big prizes at the upcoming Grammy Awards: HAIM for Best New Artist and Hozier for Song of the Year, thanks to the newfound popularity of his track “Take Me To Church”.
Also included in last year’s predictions were the likes of Sam Hunt, FKA Twigs, and Tove Lo, whose “Habits” was one of the big smashes of the year, going all the way to number three in the US.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

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Saturday, 3 January 2015


EDM ? VIP DJ 2014 mungkin bisa menjadi rekomendasinya :))

Vip DJ 2014

Vip DJ 2014

Various Artists

Open iTunes to preview, buy and download music.